Wednesday, February 2, 2011

International Loan Scam

Don't be taken in by a "loan" offered by some international company. It is most likely a scam. One test of this is; if they want you to pay an upfront fee for the loan - it's probably a scam.

Two, if the email address is the name of the company followed by at gmail, yahoo, msn, hotmail, etc. it is almost definitely a scam.

Three, if the email they send you is in broken English or poor grammar it is probably a scam.

Four, if the terms seem too good to be true - they are - it's a scam.

What to do?

Get as much info as possible, save all the emails they send you and forward those to the FBI and the Internet Crime Center at

Also - Don't Panic! They will often send you intimidating or threatening emails trying to convince you that dire consequences will result if you don't follow along with them. Don't fall for it! Report them.

If you have a specific scam you have received, let me know, I will be happy to post it here.

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